A healing diet that helps you to really feel better and get more out of life is no sacrifice. All healing diets limit sugar and refined carbohydrates and this can be a real struggle for some. This is especially true of sweets – for some people, just a bit of sweet stuff “hooks” us like a drug. A small portion, even of dried fruit or white bread, leads to strong and subtle urges for MORE. The best defense is to make and eat lots of healthy foods that include ample fats, like butter from grass-fed cows. If you are well nourished with tasty, satisfying foods, your “weakness” for sweets will go away. That is the physical side of cravings – your body needs nourishment, your mouth could use some flavorful satisfaction. Provide your body nutrients in tasty combinations. Make your body happy – eat for the nutrients. Not the entertainment value.
Social and Environmental Cues to Eat Sugar and Junk
We are all surrounded by many temptations that, if not refused, can erode your self-care practices. Yet, having to abstain for every occasion is not practical. There are times when it can feel like the “magic” of a special day is packaged in the food. These “celebration” foods usually come with heavy social pressure to partake. So how can you maintain your healing path, your self-care practices and not be left out when treats are called for? Plan ahead and come armed with your own special foods. Remember that “special” foods don’t stay special if you eat them often; then they become everyday foods. So, if it seems like a bit of work to make them, that just makes them that much more special.
Even on very restrictive diets, there are plenty of “treats” available. Just remember that these are occasional treats, not dietary staples.